Hack of the Week No.43

"My Desert Island" 

Ask an avid golfer what they might take to a desert island with them and their answer might look a little like this wall plaque!

This "My Desert Island" plaque was created using models from these projects:

Models and Projects Used

Font Used -

  • Candara

Winter is getting long and you might find yourself thinking how nice it would be to get stranded on a warm, snow free desert island.  Just you, your clubs and time on your hands to play your favorite sport... until hunger set in or you get thirsty.  

Where's that Tiki Bar when you need it?! 

Golfers Dream!


Design & Make Hacks CNC

Why not hack together your own layout mixing and matching models from other projects or from your own library!  For some great inspiration check out our hacks page!

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