James Just Hacked a Hack!

Our new Hack of the Week Projects have been pretty popular with our customers, and some have even taken them to the next level by hacking them! Secretively we hoped that would happen... 🙂

James Patton sent in this HOTW (Hack of the Week) hack that is, as always, a great example of his eye for a good layout and another chance for us to enjoy a wonderfully finished piece!

"The sign is from the HOTW 156. The deer, mountains, grass, and trees came from the Deer Mantle project, while the eagle, clouds, and the sun come from the Deep in the Wilds project.
Carved with a 0.0625 ball nose, 8% step over.  Run time was about 12 hours."

Lots of detail to be had using that cutter size and stepover!  Looks great!

"Carved in 3/4” pecan hickory, lettering black acrylic paint, then shot with a couple of coats of satin clear Krylon.
Measures about 9 x 17...Give or take a 1/16 or so."

Customer Focus CNC

Thank you, James, for taking the time to share your finished project with us!

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