Hack of the Week No.166 Challenge Winner!

Do you remember the Design and Make Hack of the Week No.166 Challange

If you don't here is a link to the original post we made setting out the rules for it...

D&M Challange No.1

We ended up having a few people that took on the challenge and the results were pretty amazing!  

Without further ado... the winner of the random draw is...

James Patton!

Not only did James use the models from Hack of the Week No.166 to make one project... he made two entries.  

"The wife had been on me to make her something in remembrance of her father. Couldn’t really get any idea’s, then when this hack came out, I knew what I was going to do."  

"Took the heart and the wings from the hack and created a daddy's girl plaque. Carved in walnut, measures about 10 1/2 by 9 1/2 inches. Sanded with 220 grit and then used a light walnut Danish oil stain. While the stain was still wet I wet sanded the plaque with 220 grit. The dust and oil mixed to fill in the pores of the wood. Wiped off and when dried I added another light coat of the oil. After about 6 hours I applied 4 coats of satin brush on lacquer. Used a 1/8 inch ball nose and I think the carving time was just over 3 hours."

"I just wanted to show this hack has more possibilities than just pets. The wings are what makes it...! Hope we did the model justice."

James has taken our hack and really took it to the next level by illustrating the potential of this project.  On the surface, it is a pet memorial but once you have a look at the individual parts it could be so much more!

"Using Michael Tyler's "Chubby Box" design and incorporating HOW166, this is my second project for the Design & Make #DMChallenge1."

What a great idea to take one of Vectric's Free Projects of the Month and make it his own!

"Walnut top, cherry sides and Birch dowels."

Lovely job and the perfect piece to remember a faithful friend.


Congratulations James! 

We will be in touch to sort out the 2 Design and Make projects would like to add to your collection!

Thanks to all of you that took the time to create a finished project and enter it into our first ever D&M Challenge!  If you don't win, don't worry there will be many more of these challenges to come!

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