Introducing the CraftCNC!
The CraftCNC is a small CNC machine capable of cutting most Design & Make models and projects using a standard Dremel. It is built entirely from easy-to-source electrical and electronic components, which are housed in a cleverly designed case that is constructed from our free plans. Our FREE plans include all the files needed to laser-cut acrylic sheet and 3D print all the connectors used to build this very capable desktop CNC machine.

Free CNC self-build plans… Interested?
The CraftCNC is for anyone requiring a CNC machine.
Don't have easy access to a CNC machine - why not build your own? Many schools, colleges, and Makerspaces offer access to a laser cutter and a 3D printer. With this in mind, we've designed a CNC machine that can be built only using these tools and then made the plans freely accessible to everyone.
> Download Free Machine Plans HERE <
Finished project made using the 'CraftCNC' self-build machine
Other free 'Design and Make' products to help you get started.
Machine Information, Build Plans, Parts Lists
Click this link to the D1 CNC self-build machine kit, this enables you to get up and running with a CNC for machining your craft projects.
The machine plans are absolutely 'Free' and now available to download here.
Free 3D Clipart For Your First Project
Now you have a CraftCNC machine and software to run it, you will require free models or projects to get you off and running.
Setup a free Design and Make account and we will give you some 'Design and Make' clipart content to get you underway!
Upgrade options available, including try before you buy.
Require a more comprehensive package? Try these options.
Try before you buy!
Download a trial version of Vectric's other software packages.
Need more comprehensive design and machining strategies? Vectric's ‘VCarve’ ‘Desktop, Pro’ and ‘Aspire’ software offer exceptional designing and machining capabilities at affordable prices.
Try the software for free.
Design & Make Store
Purchase more 3D Clipart or Projects to use in your designs.
We have a huge collection of single models and D&M projects for sale available for immediate download: soon we will be offering 'CraftCNC Artefacts' too... (purposeful objects of form and function)
Have a browse through our store and keep your eyes peeled for our Artefact projects!
Projects Created Using the CraftCNC!